Tuesday, April 26, 2005


'Heineken Thirst'
'Liga Djarum PERSIB vs PSPS'

Pantai Carnival Ancol, Jakarta
Stadion Siliwangi, Bandung

free, dari Nepathya hehe..
IDR 15000 TIMUR dari calo

local artist
DJ Naro
Yaris Riadi

int’l artist
Roger Sanchez
Ekene Michael Ikenwa

Indonesian Top Model
Seseorang yang mirip sama RONALDINHO

crowd’s costume
bikinis, shorts, polos, tshirts
lautan biru

mineral water price
IDR 30000 (300ml)
IDR 500 (250ml)

mc’s talks
‘..give it up for DJ NAROO!’
‘..beri semangat untuk CECEP SUPRIATNA..’

crowd talks



police affect
tunduk sama polisi
polisi dilawan

public figure seen
Putri Paricia, Vj Evan, Mariana Renata, Stephanie Pascallia
Guru Matematika SSC Sumur Bandung

crowd accessories
light stick
handmade convetti

crowds humming
persib.. nu aing! (dgn nada : heli .. gukgukguk)

Sunday, April 24, 2005

cloud seven - dj riri

hehehe.. banyak yang bingung gak si ama alamat blognya? kenapa harus c1oud5even? mungkin beberapa udah ada yang tau.. tapi pengen cerita juga sih. hueheuhe.. and the storee begins..

26th December 2004

after 2 years of 'adventuring-and surviving' at the 'jungle-of-life-called-oz' finally gw dapet juga yang namanya 'nomer-ozzer' yang terkenal sangat sakral bagi semua ozcrew. buat gw (dan temen2) punya nomer ozzer tuh jadi kebanggaan sendiri. secara gak langsung, orang yang udah punya nomer ozzer tuh berarti udah dapet pengakuan sebagai bagian dari keluarga besar radio oz. dan buat ngedapetin nomer ozzer itu gak gampang men! selain kita harus bertahan hidup selama minimal 2 taun di radio oz, kita juga harus bisa ngelewatin semacam 'ospek' dari orang-orang yang udah duluan dapet nomer ozzer, setiap taunnya! sampe akhirnya dengan kostum ADI BING SLAMET ( yang ternyata
jadinya lebih mirip sama CECEP) di pelataran parkir bank niaga dago, gw (dengan suksesnya) berhasil ngedapetin nomer ozzer 157, yup fifteen seven! so proud of it!

19th February 2005

just like a first love, buat gw semua yang serba 'pertama kali' selalu special dan gak pernah bakal gw lupain, and on this day, while dj riri spinnin the cloudseven track, something float me up to the seventh cloud (or maybe seventh sky..errr).. never felt like this before lah sob! and since that day, cloudseven is always has been a soundtrack of my life.

nah, maksutnya sih pengen ngegabungin 2 kejadian itu jadi sebuah nama, makanya terciptalah nama c1oud5even.. hmm emang agak maksa sih.. tapi fine lah.. yang penting buat gw sih cerita dibalik nama itu.. hehehe..

malaikat - the milo

'bikinin after midnite dong cil..' 'sikat cil? gw ada nih!' 'cd buat lo nih,,' 'kaleuumm..' 'eh kon***!!!' 'film perang ada gak cil?'
one thing i should regret lately is when i cannot come to a friend's farewell.. he's not just a friend anyway.. for me, he's my brother, my master (hahaha..), my trainer, my music-infulencer, and many more lahh.. the more i feel regret about it when those sentences above comes into my mind, damn! at least for the next 3 months i won't hear that again! so why don't i came that noon? but one thing surely that i've missed from him already is when this sentences come out right through from his mouth:
'apaan nih? nge-bala? berantakkan gini?! dasar jorok! kasurnya lipat lagi!! kertas siapa nih di ruang siaran? baleg lah! pasti decil!!'
shit damn! gw lagi gw lagi yang kena! dan kenapa setiap gw ngebala selalu ada orang ini? damn you!!! and damn me! yes damn me! one thing if u read this my bro'.. sorry wkt itu gw ga ada di oz, tepar sob! baek2 di bali! smoga di bali ada yang lebih jorok dari pada gw jadi lo bisa marah2 juga! hahahaha.. sukses ya Mir!! c ya at the next party!

shed my skin - dj naro f/ lusy rahmawati

I'm running through the fields Laughing dreaming I'm driving through the mountains Breathing a new life I don't mind what people say No, I won't look back to another day Gonna shed my skin and walk away I'm floating through the river Twisting and turning I'm Running through the suns Searching a new life..
this heineken-THIRST thing is very very spectacular! gila gokil sob! modal nekad abis cabut bareng sama party-mate gw nebeng tetangga, and it was a really kewl moment! alotta storee here actually to share, but i dont really know what exactly happened that time.. huahahaa.. nothings to regret at all! puas abis sama acaranya.. the best way to get all of the 'damned-things' out from my mind! there's no pit-stop, ngebut terusss!! saking ngebutnya, nabrak nih! hueheuhauheuha.. tapi kaya yang udah gw bilang, there's nothing to regret! hell yeah!!
yeah ini juga gak bikin gw regret! SHED MY LIPS! huahahahahahahaha..